Written by Ekpali Saint “I don’t want to die young,” Mr Ogina said of the impact of the barite mines on him and his family. “I plead with the government to do something urgently.” After working for about seven hours on his cassava farm during the dry season in February 2018, Nathaniel Ogina approached the...
Written by F O Egbokhare I was in Germany for the Humboldt Fellowship in 1996/97 at the University of Hamburg. A German scholar and I were engaged in a hearty discussion. Everything was going on well when he asked me this question: “why is it that all recommendations written by Nigerians are always overly positive...
Introduction As Nigeria teeter on the edge of bankruptcy and most households increasingly find it hard to know when and where their next meal will come from, the jarring insensitivity of our leaders in government is simply shocking as their culture of mindless, selfish and wasteful public expenditure has continued unabetted. Harsh conditions of living...
Townhall Radio is a content network dedicated to mobilising for constructive social change. We provide a proactive platform for examining development issues bestriding Sub-Sahara Africa. And articulating viable solutions to improve living conditions for all. There is a desperate need for basic institutional transformations in Sub-Sahara Africa. Institutional reforms are needed to cater for the...
Economic Development Posts
Investigation: Abandoned barite mines poisoning people in Nigerian communities
Recommendations and Referrals and the moral dilemma in National Development
The Culture of Mindless Plunder and Squander Continues Unabated
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