Written By Kudzanai Musengi Peggy Masuku poses for a photograph in Matobo, Matabeleland on September 29, 2024. With its picturesque granite hills and balancing rocks, Matobo Hills is a UNESCO designated World Heritage Site, having the highest concentration of known rock paintings on the African continent, dating back to over a dozen millenia and has...
If only we could get others to be more considerate, less annoying, more diligent, see our point of view How often have you wanted to change other people so they’d be better? Better spouses, kids, roommates, coworkers, employees? We want our kids to study harder and clean up after themselves, our spouses to be...
‘Without accepting the fact that everything changes, we cannot find perfect composure. But unfortunately, although it is true, it is difficult for us to accept it. Because we cannot accept the truth of transience, we suffer.’ ~Shunryu Suzuki Change can be a difficult thing. Most people want to change their lives, in some way, but find...
When you try to make a change in your life, create a new habit, set a resolution are you usually good at it, or does the change fail after 2-3 weeks? Some people are better at it than others because they’ve learned some simple strategies for changing, but also because they’ve built up their change...
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle If you could just pick one or two (or seven) habits to create in the next few months — habits that will have the most impact on your life — what would they be? I often get asked this...
I’ve learned a lot about changing habits over the years, and have taught thousands of people how to do it. The hardest habits to change, by far, are the ones people can’t seem to control. They want to change, but can’t seem to find the “willpower” (a term I don’t believe in). For me, some...
I remember one evening, when my life was pretty different and I was overweight and deeply in debt and a smoker and had such a hard time changing things I wasn’t feeling too good about my life. I felt horrible about myself, and wondered why I was stuck. I felt hopeless and helpless, and generally depressed...
You’d be surprised to know how many emails I get where people are stuck in their lives. They’re broke, or unmotivated, or in a job they hate, or they can’t find their passion, or they can’t get motivated to get healthy. And they don’t know where to start. It hurts to read these emails. It...
“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.” – Mike Murdock Start with a simple statement: what do you want to be? Are you hoping to someday be a writer, a musician, a designer, a programmer, a polyglot, a carpenter, a manga artist, an entrepreneur, an expert at something?...
Whenever we undertake a new change in our lives — whether it’s starting a new job or business, or changing a new habit — we tell ourselves a story about it. We’re the hero of our story. Unfortunately, it’s not usually a very good story — it involves the hero not believing he or she...
“And if it is a despot you would dethrone, see first that his throne erected within you is destroyed” – Kahlil Gibran We are sadly watching the unfortunate unravelling of the Nigerian...
Townhall Radio is a content network dedicated to mobilising for constructive social change. We provide a proactive platform for examining development issues bestriding Sub-Sahara Africa. And articulating viable solutions to improve living conditions for all. There is a desperate need for basic institutional transformations in Sub-Sahara Africa. Institutional reforms are needed to cater for the...
Personal Growth Posts
The Women Behind Zimbabwe’s Striking Hut Painting Art
Change Series 9: How to Change Other People
Change Series 8: The Elements of Change
Change Series 7: How to Build the Muscle of Change
Change Series 6: 7 Little Habits That Can Change Your Life, and How to Form Them
Change Series 3: The Secret Rule of Changing Anything
Change Series 2: The Thinking Habit That Changed My Life
Change Series 5: The Half Step That Will Change Your Life
Change Series 4: How to Change Your Life (A User’s Guide)
Change Series 1: Change Your Story to Change Your Life
The Individual as a Basic Pre-Requisite to Social Change
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